Blog Index
Through this blog I hope to give you a flavour of my Christian lifestyle. I hope that you will find it informative and helpful as I share my journey and pray that it will be a blessing to you.
Tim Simpson
As Christians, now is the time to awake out of sleep, to break free from the distractions of the devil, to put on the armour
of God and join Jesus on the battlefield. It's time to shake off the affairs of this life and contend for the faith.
18 MAR 2023
Tired of hearing or reading bad news? Read the news that's always good news: The gospel of
Jesus Christ!
14 APR 2021
The Christian journey starts with being born again. We are then to learn to
"walk in the Spirit" and be "Spirit led", just like Jesus.
17 FEB 2021
Jesus only did what He saw the Father do.
We need to listen to God with our eyes so that we can see what He wants to tell us.
23 JAN 2021
Throughout the bible God speaks to people through visions and dreams.
Find out what happened when I had my first vision.
11 JAN 2021
How silently, how silently, the wondrous gift is given.
So God imparts to human hearts the blessings of His heaven.
31 DEC 2020
Why we choose to put Jesus at the centre of everything we do, both as individuals
and as a church.
23 NOV 2020
God wants each of us to grow spiritually and reach spiritual maturity so here's the challenge we set out
at our recent life group meeting.
08 OCT 2020
Bible prophecy is being fulfilled before our eyes in this generation
as fires burn out of control around the globe!
14 SEP 2020
There is nothing like the love of God. Nothing compares to it.
Oh, that the world would see and taste that the Lord is good.
25 AUG 2020
Attending the Astronomical Society at Hull University as a child got me hooked on staring at the night sky.
As a Christian, I often find myself looking up to heaven, even during the day, knowing that one day I'll be there.
Here's what I saw recently.
16 AUG 2020
"Losing the plot" is not an option in life. We have to remain "grounded", whatever situation we find ourselves in. But how do you do that?
09 AUG 2020
How events unfolded one weekend back in July 2017 left
me convinced that there are no coincidences in life, nothing that happens by chance, and that no matter what
circumstances we find ourselves in, God is with us and remains faithful.
23 JUL 2020
It is not a matter of if an attack will come but rather when they will come.
Attacks can come in many forms and rarely unfold as a single event. Often multiple things happen in
rapid succession as the enemy seeks to overwhelm and undermine the faith of believers.
17 JUL 2020
During this uncertain time of the Corona virus, we have rested more than ever on God's promises of protection
as described in the bible, in particular by Psalm 91. Why not make these promises yours too?
11 JUL 2020
Many of the spiritual battles and attacks that spill over into the earthly realm often have an "earthly"
explanation instead of being recognised as the work or influence of the evil one.
04 JUL 2020
The onset of the COVID-19 Corona Virus as a world-wide pandemic has had a massive impact
on the world. Here's how it unfolded and what changed for us in our house.
24 JUN 2020
The devil doesn't want you to see or hear the real news. Otherwise you might
begin to recognise the warning signs that the bible foretells about the times in which we now live.
16 JUN 2020
Dog walking is not so much a necessity for our dogs as an excuse for me to take pleasure in God's creation and to pray.
07 JUN 2020
In this bible study of Ephesians 1 a number of identities are revealed and explained, including that of
our own new identity in Christ as believers.
04 JAN 2019
I was praying as I was walking when I started to have
vivid thoughts about God. Here's what God had me thinking ...
27 FEB 2018