1 For this cause I Paul, the
prisoner of Jesus Christ
for you
Verse 1 ToDo Items
T Take note that Paul’s imprisonment because of preaching Jesus did not prevent his ministry to the Gentiles.
T Know that trust in God’s sovereignty allows us to accept any situation that comes our way.
T Do not look at your circumstances but rather look at what the Lord is doing with your life.
Verse 1 ToDo Items

2 If ye have heard of the
dispensation of the
grace of God which is given me to
Verse 2 ToDo Items
F Know that Paul was given the stewardship of God’s grace for the benefit of the Gentiles. [See
1 Corinthians 4:1,
F Know that a steward administers and cares for the property of someone else.
I Know that every Christian is a steward of God’s grace representing God on earth. [See
1 Peter 4:10]
I Know that God puts us in ministry for the sake of others, not for our own sake. [See
2 Corinthians 4:8-15]
Verse 2 ToDo Items

3 How that by
revelation he made known unto me the
mystery; (as I wrote
afore in few words,
Verse 3 ToDo Items
C Know that God shares knowledge of His master plan by revelation.
F Know that God made His master plan known to the apostle Paul by the revelation of Jesus Christ. [See
Galatians 1:12]
F Know that the concept of the Church is a New Testament idea.
F Know that God revealed the doctrine of the Church to Paul.
Verse 3 ToDo Items

4 Whereby, when
ye read,
ye may
understand my
knowledge in the
mystery of Christ)
Verse 4 ToDo Items
F Know that Paul revealed his knowledge of God’s master plan for Jesus and the Church in his written letter to the saints at Ephesus so that they (and we) could read and understand it. [v3-4]
Verse 4 ToDo Items

5 Which in
other ages was not
made known unto the sons of men, as it is now
revealed unto his holy apostles and
prophets by the Spirit;
Verse 5 ToDo Items
C Know that God decides at what moment in history and to whom revelation of His master plan is given. [v4-5]
C Know that God sees His apostles and prophets as holy.
C Know that God gives revelation to apostles and prophets by the Holy Spirit for the edification of the Church. [v3-5]
F Know that the idea of the Church was unknown in the Old Testament. [v3-5]
F Know that in Old Testament times God dealt with the people of Israel as a national entity with national laws. [v3-5]
F Know that the mystery of the doctrine of the Church was unknown until God revealed it in the dispensation of grace. [v3-5]
F Know that God first revealed the mystery of the Church to His holy apostles and prophets (of the New Testament) who then revealed it to the Church.
[v3-5] [See
2 Peter 1:20-21]
F Know that the Church and the dispensation of grace started at Pentecost with the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
[v3-5] [See
Acts 2;
1 Corinthians 12:13]
Verse 5 ToDo Items

6 That the
Gentiles should be
fellowheirs, and of the
same body, and
partakers of
his promise in Christ by the
Verse 6 ToDo Items
F Know that Gentiles are "fellow heirs" because they share the same inheritance as joint-heirs with Christ and the Jews in the Church.
F Know that the gospel makes it possible that believing Jews and Gentiles can be placed into "the same body" the Church.
F Know that Gentile believers are no longer strangers and aliens but hold the same standing and benefits as Jewish believers in the new dispensation of grace. [See
Ephesians 2:12-13;
1 Corinthians 12:12-13]
F Know that both Jews and Gentiles participate in the promise of the indwelling Holy Spirit given to each believer and to the Church.
F Know that the hidden secret of God’s master plan has been revealed: both Jews and Gentiles are joint heirs and fellow members of the body of Christ and partakers of God’s promise in Christ by the gospel.
[v3-6] [See
Galatians 3:14,
Verse 6 ToDo Items

7 Whereof I was made a
minister, according to the gift of the
grace of God given
unto me by the
effectual working of
his power.
Verse 7 ToDo Items
F Know that Paul was made a minister of the gospel by God and did not choose this honour for himself.
[v6-7] [See
Acts 26:16]
Verse 7 ToDo Items

8 Unto me, who am less than the least of all
saints, is this
grace given, that I should
preach among the
Gentiles the
unsearchable riches of Christ;
Verse 8 ToDo Items
I Know, that like Paul, each and every saint has an equally important and unique part to play in God’s plan and purpose.
F Know that it is the grace of God that Paul said gave him his ability to preach the immense riches of Christ to the Gentiles. [See
1 Corinthians 15:10]
I Know that any ministry that we might have is a gift of God’s grace.
C Know that there are incomprehensible and abundant riches to be found in Christ. [See
Romans 11:33]
Verse 8 ToDo Items

9 And to make all
see what the
fellowship of the
mystery, which from the beginning of the world
hath been
hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ:
Verse 9 ToDo Items
F Know that it is God’s wish for all men to be enlightened of His intention to unite Jews and Gentiles in fellowship within the Church.
F Know that it was God’s hidden plan from the very beginning of the world to unite Jews and Gentiles in fellowship in the Church. [v5-9]
C Know that God is the creator of all things.
F Know that God created all things by Jesus Christ. [See
John 1:3]
Verse 9 ToDo Items

10 To the intent that now
unto the
principalities and
powers in
heavenly might be known by the church the
manifold wisdom of God,
Verse 10 ToDo Items
F Know that it was always God’s intention to make His manifold wisdom known to those in heavenly places (good and bad angels) through the revelation given to His church. [See
1 Peter 4:10;
1 Corinthians 4:9]
F Know that the Church does not exist for itself but for God’s greater purpose.
C Know that God’s wisdom is ultra-diverse and manifested in many varied ways.
Verse 10 ToDo Items

11 According to the eternal purpose which
he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord:
Verse 11 ToDo Items
F Know that God’s master plan is eternal and involved Christ Jesus from the very beginning. [v9-11]
F Know that God has an eternal purpose which He is progressively fulfilling through His designs for the universe. [v9-11]
C Know that God has positioned His Son Jesus Christ at the centre of His plan for all eternity.
Verse 11 ToDo Items

12 In
whom we have
boldness and
access with confidence by the faith of
Verse 12 ToDo Items
I Know that our faith in Christ gives us boldness and direct access to the Father who we may approach at any time with confidence. [See
Hebrews 4:16]
F Know that Christians have free, full and unrestricted access to God.
F Know that Christians have confidence that God accepts them and will never reject them.
Verse 12 ToDo Items

13 Wherefore I
desire that
ye faint not at my
tribulations for you, which is your
Verse 13 ToDo Items
F Know that Paul endured tribulations and persecution for his ministry to the Gentiles.
F Remember that Jesus predicted that Paul would suffer tribulations and persecution. [See
Acts 9:16]
T Don’t give up because of the tribulations encountered by others for your benefit but rather glory in it. [See
2 Timothy 2:10]
Verse 13 ToDo Items

14 For
this cause I bow my knees
unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
Verse 14 ToDo Items
T Humble yourself and follow the example of Paul (and Jesus) who honours and reverences God the Father by kneeling to pray. [See
Acts 20:36;
Luke 22:41]
T Bend your knees and address your prayers to the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Verse 14 ToDo Items

15 Of
whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named,
Verse 15 ToDo Items
F Know that the whole family in heaven and Earth is named after God the Father.
Verse 15 ToDo Items

16 That
he would grant you, according to the
riches of
his glory, to be
strengthened with
might by
his Spirit in the inner man;
Verse 16 ToDo Items
T Pray that God would strengthen you with miraculous power by His Spirit according to the abundant riches of His glory.
T Seek to strengthen your innermost being with miraculous power by the Holy Spirit.
Verse 16 ToDo Items

17 That Christ may
dwell in your hearts by faith; that
ye, being
rooted and
grounded in
Verse 17 ToDo Items
T Pray that Christ may dwell at the centre of your life by faith.
T Pray that you may be firmly rooted and grounded in God’s unconditional love.
Verse 17 ToDo Items

18 May be
able to
comprehend with all
saints what the breadth, and length, and depth, and height;
Verse 18 ToDo Items
T Pray that you and the Church may be able to understand God’s plan.
T Pray that the Church might comprehend the great extent of God’s far-reaching and profound master plan which is inclusive of unsearchable riches to both Jew and Gentile (breadth), which began before the creation and extends into eternity (length) and concerns both the earthly (depth) and heavenly (height) realms.
Verse 18 ToDo Items

19 And to know the
love of Christ, which
passeth knowledge, that
ye might be
filled with all the
fulness of God.
Verse 19 ToDo Items
F Know that knowing the unconditional love of Christ surpasses all other knowledge.
T Pray to know the love of Christ and be filled with all the abundance of God.
F Know that God wants us to be fully like Him.
Verse 19 ToDo Items

20 Now
unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly
above all that we ask or think, according to the
power that
worketh in us,
Verse 20 ToDo Items
C Know that God can do what we cannot.
C Know that God is able to do abundantly more than we ask or think through His miraculous power that works in us.
C Know that the Holy Spirit is miraculously powerful.
F Know that carnal and indifferent Christians have no idea what God can do in them.
I Know that God’s Holy Spirit is at work within us.
I Know that we have power available for us to live beyond our perceived limitations.
Verse 20 ToDo Items

21 Unto him glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all
world without end.
Verse 21 ToDo Items
T Let every generation give glory to God in the church by Christ Jesus forever. [See
Romans 11:36]
T Take note that Paul prays for those to whom he is ministering. [v14-21]
Verse 21 ToDo Items