1 Paul, an
apostle of
Jesus Christ by the
will of God, to the
saints which are at
Ephesus, and to the
faithful in Christ Jesus:
Verse 1 ToDo Items
F Know that Paul was chosen by God to be sent out with authority as an ambassador of Jesus Christ. [See
Acts 9:15,
Ephesians 6:19-20]
F Know that Paul did not choose Jesus but rather Jesus chose Paul to be His apostle. [See
Acts 9,
Galatians 1:1]
F Know that Paul’s God-given purpose was to be an apostle of Jesus Christ. (His apostleship was by divine appointment.)
C Know that God has a master plan which He is executing.
C Know that God sends people to people with the good news of Jesus Christ. [See
Mark 16:15]
C Know that God may choose even the most unlikely people to fulfil His plan on the Earth, including those who directly oppose Him.
C Know that God has chosen His saints to be part of His plan.
I Know that our faith has brought us into Christ and Christ into us. [See
Ephesians 2:8-10]
I Know that in Christ, we are saints.
I Know that in Christ, God has purposed each of us with a unique part to play in His plan.
Verse 1 ToDo Items

2 Grace to you, and
peace, from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Verse 2 ToDo Items
C Know that grace and peace emanate jointly from both God the Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ.
C Know that the Lord Jesus Christ is equally divine with God the Father.
C Know that Jesus is Lord.
C Know that Jesus is Saviour.
C Know that Jesus is the Messiah ("The Anointed One").
C Know that Jesus is the Prince of Peace. [See
Isaiah 9:6]
I Know that in Christ, God is our Father.
I Know that in Christ, grace is continually ours because God is our Father. [See
2 Corinthians 9:8]
Verse 2 ToDo Items

3 Blessed the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
who hath blessed us with
all spiritual blessings in
heavenly in Christ:
Verse 3 ToDo Items
C Know that God is worthy of praise.
C Know that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
C Know that God is gracious. [v2-3]
I Know that in Christ, Jesus is our Lord.
I Know that in Christ, God has blessed us with every possible spiritual blessing. [See
2 Corinthians 1:19-20]
I Know that in Christ, our spiritual blessings originate from heaven and cover every aspect of the good that comes to us by grace (not just the gifts of the Spirit).
I Know that in Christ, our spiritual blessings are brought to us from heaven by and through the Holy Spirit.
I Know that in Christ, our spiritual blessings are to get heaven into us (not just get us into heaven) so that we can manifest heaven on the Earth for God’s glory.
T Praise God the Father for all your spiritual blessings in Christ.
Verse 3 ToDo Items

4 According as he hath chosen us in
him before the
foundation of the
world, that we should be
holy and
without blame before him in
Verse 4 ToDo Items
F Know that God’s master plan started before the creation of the world.
F Know that God’s master plan, before the creation of the world, was that the followers of Christ should be chosen through the message of the gospel.
F Know that God has a specific plan in choosing each believer.
C Know that Jesus was with God before the creation of the world.
C Know that God’s penetrating and searching gaze sees down into our innermost being.
C Know that God gazes in a satisfied, delighted contemplation of the reflection of the holiness and spotlessness of the Lord Jesus in the character of His saints.
I Know that we were chosen by God in Christ before the creation of the world. [See
2 Timothy 1:9]
I Know that our spiritual blessings were given because we were chosen in Christ. [v3-4]
I Know that in Christ, we have been set apart by God, for God.
I Know that in Christ, we are holy and blameless through the imputed righteousness of Jesus.
Verse 4 ToDo Items

5 Having
predestinated us
unto the
adoption of
children by Jesus Christ to
himself, according to the
good pleasure of
his will,
Verse 5 ToDo Items
C Know that it was God’s heart’s desire and delighted Him when He marked out those for adoption to Himself as His adult children.
C Know that God wants to be Father to us.
I Know that in Christ, we are children of God.
I Know that our adoption as God’s adult children has given us a new identity as sons of the King.
Verse 5 ToDo Items

6 To the
praise of the
glory of
his grace,
wherein he hath made us
accepted in
the beloved.
Verse 6 ToDo Items
F Know that God’s grace is glorious.
C Know that God is glorious.
I Know that our adoption as God’s adult children is for the praise of God the Father and the glory of His grace. [v3-6]
I Know that God has made us highly favoured and accepted in His beloved Son Jesus. [See
Romans 5:1-2]
I Know that in Christ, we do not need to seek God’s approval.
T Let your life be a story of praise for God the Father and the glory of His freely bestowed, satisfying loving kindness and favour.
Verse 6 ToDo Items

7 In
whom we have
redemption through
his blood, the
forgiveness of
sins, according to the
riches of
his grace;
Verse 7 ToDo Items
C Know that God’s master plan is one of redemption for mankind through the blood of Jesus. [See
Luke 1:68]
C Know that God is merciful.
C Know that God gives generously.
I Know that Jesus is our redeemer.
[v5-7] [See
Titus 2:14]
I Know that in Christ, our sins (past, present and future) have been permanently forgiven and blotted out through the ransom blood of Jesus. [See
Colossians 1:14,
I Know that in Christ, sin no longer has dominion over us. [See
Romans 6:14]
I Know that in Christ, we are no longer servants to sin but under the riches of God’s grace. [See
Romans 6:14-18]
I Know that in Christ, God has lavished the abundant wealth of His grace upon us.
Verse 7 ToDo Items

8 Wherein he hath abounded toward us in all
wisdom and
Verse 8 ToDo Items
C Know that God’s grace flows super abundantly towards His children.
[v5-8] [See
Romans 5:19-20]
I Know that in Christ, God has bestowed wisdom and understanding upon us through the abundant wealth of His grace.
[v7-8] [See
Romans 11:33]
Verse 8 ToDo Items

9 Having
made known unto us the
mystery of
his will, according to
his good pleasure which
he hath purposed in
Verse 9 ToDo Items
F Know that the mystery of God’s will was first revealed to the apostles and prophets who then made it known to the Church. [See
Ephesians 3:3-5]
C Know that it pleases God to reveal His will to His children.
C Know that God decides and does as He pleases.
C Know that God does not act without purpose or plan.
I Know that in Christ, God has chosen to make known to us the hidden secret of His master plan. [See
John 15:15]
Verse 9 ToDo Items

10 That in the
dispensation of the
fulness of
times he might
gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; in
Verse 10 ToDo Items
F Know that the dead in Christ are in heaven.
C Know that God is orchestrating a certain succession of times and seasons as He works out the purpose of His will. [See
Acts 17:26]
C Know that God is the Lord and steward of all time and seasons.
C Know that God has positioned His Son Jesus Christ at the centre of His master plan.
C Know that God’s purpose from the beginning has been to bring everything back together again to their original state in Christ, both from in heaven and on Earth.
Verse 10 ToDo Items

11 In
whom also we have
obtained an
inheritance, being
predestinated according to the
purpose of
him who
worketh all things after the
counsel of
his own
Verse 11 ToDo Items
I Know that in Christ, we have become children and heirs of God.
[v5-11] [See
Romans 8:15-17]
I Know that in Christ, we have obtained an inheritance.
C Know that God wants us to be part of His plan.
I Know that in Christ, we were predestined to be part of God’s purpose and plan. [See
2 Timothy 1:9]
F Know that you were no accident of birth.
F Know that you were born for a reason.
F Know that when we seek to serve and do the will of God it gives direction and purpose to our life.
C Know that God works all things after the counsel of His own will. [v9-11]
C Know that God is sovereign, having supreme power and authority to rule as He chooses.
C Know that God does not need or seek advice from anybody.
Verse 11 ToDo Items

12 That we should be to the
praise of
his glory,
who first trusted in Christ.
Verse 12 ToDo Items
I Know that we exist to praise God’s glorious Son.
[v11-12] [See
Isaiah 43:21]
T Live for the praise of God’s glorious Son.
F Know that it was the Jews who first hoped in the Messiah.
Verse 12 ToDo Items

13 In
whom ye also , after that
ye heard the
word of truth, the
gospel of your
salvation: in
whom also after that
ye believed,
ye were
sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,
Verse 13 ToDo Items
F Know that it was always God’s plan to allow Gentile believers to trust in the Messiah also.
I Know that our trust is in Christ since we heard and believed the Word of Truth (Jesus), the good news of our salvation. [See
John 5:24]
F Know that the Word of Truth (Jesus) is the good news of salvation.
F Know that faith comes by hearing the Word of God. [See
Romans 10:17]
F Know that despite being chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world, believers are not born again until the exact time planned by God for them to hear and believe the gospel of salvation.
F Know that all men have need of salvation. [See
Romans 3:23]
I Know that we received the Holy Spirit of promise after we believed.
I Know that the Holy Spirit is God’s seal of ownership upon us.
F Know that the Holy Spirit is God’s seal of ownership upon believers.
P Know that the seal of the Holy Spirit is God’s pledge to fulfil all heavenly blessings bestowed upon a believer.
Verse 13 ToDo Items

14 Which is the
earnest of our
inheritance until the
redemption of the
purchased possession,
unto the
praise of
his glory.
Verse 14 ToDo Items
I Know that the Holy Spirit is the down payment (pledge) of our inheritance until our bodily redemption.
[v13-14] [See
Romans 8:23]
I Know that we have been purchased by the ransom blood of Jesus. [See
Acts 20:28]
C Know that the Holy Spirit is glorious.
C Know that the Holy Spirit is worthy of praise.
I Know that our possession of the Holy Spirit is for the praise of His (the Holy Spirit’s) glory. [v13-14]
T Praise the glory of the Holy Spirit.
Verse 14 ToDo Items

15 Wherefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus, and
love unto all the
Verse 15 ToDo Items
F Know that faith in Jesus and love towards all of the saints go together hand-in-hand for believers.
F Know that faith produces love.
F Know that true faith causes us to take action towards others. [See
James 2:18]
I Know that in Christ we are to love all saints and not just those that are "easy" to love. [See
1 John 3:14]
Verse 15 ToDo Items

16 Cease not to
give thanks for you, making
mention of you in my prayers;
Verse 16 ToDo Items
T Give thanks and pray for your brothers and sisters in Christ without ceasing.
T Know that it is important to tell people personally that we thank God for them and pray for them.
Verse 16 ToDo Items

17 That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of
glory, may give
unto you the
spirit of
wisdom and
revelation in the
knowledge of
Verse 17 ToDo Items
C Know that God is the Father of glory (Jesus). [See
John 1:14]
F Know that wisdom does not come automatically to believers at time of conversion.
T Remember that wisdom is the principal thing. [See
Proverbs 4:7]
T Earnestly seek after wisdom.
F Know that revelation unveils truth about God.
F Know that Paul received and was taught the gospel by the revelation of Jesus Christ. [See
Galatians 1:11-12]
T Pray that God may give you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the experiential knowledge of His character and will. [See
Colossians 1:9]
C Know that God wants us to know Him.
C Know that God not only wants us to know about Him but also to know Him personally through a first-hand relationship with Him. [See
Colossians 1:10]
C Know that God wants to be part of our lives.
Verse 17 ToDo Items

18 The eyes of your
understanding being
enlightened; that
ye may
know what is the
hope of
his calling, and what the
riches of the
glory of
his inheritance in the
Verse 18 ToDo Items
T Pray that your understanding may be enlightened to know the certainty of His calling.
I Know that our confident expectation of His calling is eternal life with God. [See
1 Peter 5:10]
I Know that we are called with a holy calling according to His purpose and grace. [See
2 Timothy 1:9]
F Know that there are great riches to be found in the glorious Holy Spirit.
T Pray that you may know and understand the riches of the glory of His inheritance (the Holy Spirit) in you and in the body of Christ. [See
1 Corinthians 12]
Verse 18 ToDo Items

19 And what the
exceeding greatness of
his power to us-ward who believe, according to the
working of
his mighty power,
Verse 19 ToDo Items
T Pray that you may know and experience the working of His great and miraculous power that is given to believers. [v18-19]
C Know that God’s power in us (the Holy Spirit) is exceedingly great and mighty.
I Know that as believers God’s exceedingly great and mighty power is at our disposal. [See
2 Corinthians 4:7]
I Know that we are agents of God’s mighty power. [See
Acts 1:8]
I Know that power from God allows us to look fear in the face and move on with confidence.
I Know that no matter what situation or pressure may come upon us, we have the power of God to address it.
T Do not underestimate or lose sight of the power of God in your life.
I Know that as believers we are not only to know about God’s exceedingly great and mighty power but we are to put it to work in our lives for His glory.
[v13-19] [See
Ephesians 3:20]
C Know that God wants to demonstrate His mighty power through us so that He might receive glory. [v18-19]
Verse 19 ToDo Items

20 Which
he wrought in Christ, when
he raised him from the dead, and set at
his own right hand in the
heavenly ,
Verse 20 ToDo Items
C Know that God can raise the dead.
C Know that God’s power is life giving.
F Know that God raised Jesus from the dead.
F Know that the same power that raised Jesus from the dead raises the believer from spiritual death.
C Know that Jesus, who once was dead, is alive.
F Know that God demonstrated the exceeding greatness of His power when He raised Jesus from the dead. [v19-20]
F Know that God has set Jesus at His own right hand in heaven to share His throne. [See
Psalms 110:1]
C Know that Jesus is seated at the right hand of God in heaven. [See
Revelation 3:21]
C Know that Jesus is the only one invited by the Father to sit at His right hand in heaven. [See
Hebrews 1:13]
Verse 20 ToDo Items

21 Far above all
principality, and
power, and
might, and
dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come:
Verse 21 ToDo Items
F Know that God the Father has exalted His Son far above every name.
[v20-21] [See
Philippians 2:6-11]
C Know that Jesus is set far above every power, authority and name that is named, not only in this world but also in that which is to come. [v20-21]
P Know that there is a world to come after this world.
Verse 21 ToDo Items

22 And
hath put all under
his feet, and gave
him the
head over all to the
Verse 22 ToDo Items
C Know that Jesus has absolute sovereignty and supreme authority over all things.
[v20-22] [See
Matthew 28:18]
C Know that Jesus is head of the church.
Verse 22 ToDo Items

23 Which is
his body, the
fulness of
him that
filleth all in all.
Verse 23 ToDo Items
F Know that the Church is the living embodiment of Jesus on Earth to manifest His glory. [v22-23]
I Know that in Christ we are members of His body (the Church) and to do as He (the head) commands.
C Know that just as the head commands the body, so Jesus commands the Church. [v22-23]
F Know that the church (His body) is the fulfilment of Jesus who completes every good work pre-ordained for every believer within the body of Christ. [See
Philippians 2:13]
Verse 23 ToDo Items