1 And you , who were
dead in
trespasses and
Verse 1 ToDo Items
I Know that in the past we were physically alive but spiritually dead.
I Know that in the past, not only did we sin but we sinned willfully.
I Know that God has made us alive spiritually who were once spiritually dead in trespasses and sins.
Verse 1 ToDo Items

2 Wherein in time past
ye walked according to the
course of this world, according to the
prince of the power of the air, the
spirit that now
worketh in the
children of disobedience:
Verse 2 ToDo Items
I Know that our former life was influenced and guided by the standards of this world.
F Know that Satan is currently the ruler of this world.
F Know that Satan is the spirit now working in the children of disobedience who are unbelieving, obstinate and rebellious to the will of God.
Verse 2 ToDo Items

3 Among
whom also we all had our
conversation in times past in the
lusts of our
fulfilling the desires of the
flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the
children of wrath, even as others.
Verse 3 ToDo Items
I Know that we were all once children of disobedience living to fulfil the emotional desires of the flesh and of the mind.
F Know that we are all born with a sinful, fallen nature.
I Know that in the past it was our nature and way of life to live just like others who are worthy of the wrath of God.
Verse 3 ToDo Items

4 But God, who is
rich in
mercy, for
his great
love wherewith he loved us,
Verse 4 ToDo Items
C Know that God’s unconditional love for us is great. [See
Jeremiah 31:3]
C Know that God loves us whether we reciprocate or not.
C Know that God’s mercy flows from love.
C Know that God’s love for us is not prompted by some lovable characteristics in us but by His nature of love.
Verse 4 ToDo Items

5 Even when we were
dead in
hath quickened us together with Christ, (by
grace ye are
Verse 5 ToDo Items
C Know that God demonstrated His great love for us even when we were spiritually dead in sins.
[v4-5] [See
Romans 5:8]
C Know that God has every right to condemn men because of their sin but instead of executing that wrath, He extends mercy that comes from His love. [v4-5]
C Know that God does not give tit-for-tat.
C Know that God does not withhold His mercy from us even though we are victims of our own poor choices.
C Know that Jesus came to bring the dead back to life.
[v1-5] [See
John 10:10]
F Know that man is utterly incapable of rousing himself from spiritual death. [v1-5]
I Know that God has made us alive together with Christ.
I Know that we have been saved by God’s grace.
I Know that but for God’s love, mercy and grace, we would still be dead in tresspasses and sins. [v4-5]
Verse 5 ToDo Items

6 And
hath raised up together, and made sit together in
heavenly in Christ Jesus:
Verse 6 ToDo Items
I Know that we have been raised by God from the dead together with Christ.
I Know that God has reserved a place for us in heaven in Christ and sees us seated together with Christ.
Verse 6 ToDo Items

7 That in the
ages to come
he might
shew the
exceeding riches of
his grace in kindness toward us through Christ Jesus.
Verse 7 ToDo Items
P Know that in future generations God will show the immense and incomparable riches of His grace in His kindness to us through Christ Jesus.
C Know that God is kind.
Verse 7 ToDo Items

8 For by
grace are
ye saved through faith; and
that not of yourselves: the
gift of God:
Verse 8 ToDo Items
I Know that God’s grace is the provision of Christ to suffer and sacrifice Himself for our sins. [v5-8]
I Know that by God’s grace we have been saved through faith. [See
Galatians 2:16]
C Know that God gives gifts to men that are undeserved.
I Know that our salvation is a free gift to us through God’s grace.
Verse 8 ToDo Items

9 Not of
lest any man should
Verse 9 ToDo Items
I Know that our salvation was not earned by any good works that we have done.
[v8-9] [See
Romans 3:20]
F Know that salvation can never be earned through good works so no man could ever boast of such. [v8-9]
F Know that salvation comes from God, not man. [v8-9]
I Know that because God did not save us by good works, we cannot lose our salvation by bad works. [v8-9]
Verse 9 ToDo Items

10 For we are
his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus
unto good
works, which God
hath before
ordained that we should
walk in them.
Verse 10 ToDo Items
F Know that we are the product of God’s own hands.
I Know that when we were born again, we were re-created in Christ.
I Know that we were created in Christ Jesus for good works that God preordained us to perform. [See
Philippians 2:13]
I Know that God’s work of salvation produces good works in us that bring forth fruit for God.
I Know that in Christ we are not in competition with one another.
T Take comfort in knowing that God has a unique plan for His good works in your life.
Verse 10 ToDo Items

11 Wherefore remember, that
ye in time past
Gentiles in the
flesh, who are called
Uncircumcision by that which is called the
Circumcision in the
flesh made by hands;
Verse 11 ToDo Items
T Remember that in the past we lived according to the lusts of the flesh.
T Remember that in the past, non-Jews were called "Uncircumcision" and despised as outcasts by the Jews.
Verse 11 ToDo Items

12 That at that time
ye were without Christ, being
aliens from the
commonwealth of Israel, and
strangers from the
covenants of promise, having no
hope, and without God in the world:
Verse 12 ToDo Items
T Remember that once we were without Christ.
T Remember that once we were alienated from the commonwealth of Israel.
T Remember that once we were strangers from the covenants of God’s promises.
T Remember that once we were without hope.
T Remember that once we were far from God and without God in the world.
Verse 12 ToDo Items

13 But now in Christ Jesus
ye who
sometimes were far off are made
nigh by the blood of Christ.
Verse 13 ToDo Items
I Know that we (Gentiles), who were once far from God, are brought near to God by the blood of Christ.
F Know that sin separates us from God but the blood of Christ allows us back into fellowship with Him.
F Know that God cannot fellowship with anyone who has not been redeemed by the blood of Christ.
F Know that Israel as a nation (the Jews) had a sacrificial system for sin to allow fellowship with God.
Verse 13 ToDo Items

14 For
he is
our peace, who
hath made
both one, and
hath broken down the middle wall of
partition ;
Verse 14 ToDo Items
I Know that Jesus alone is our peace.
F Know that Jesus brings peace both vertically with God and horizontally with man.
I Know that in Christ, Jews and Gentiles both become one.
F Know that the church is neither Jew nor Gentile but a new entity.
I Know that Jesus has destroyed all barriers that once separated Jews and Gentiles.
Verse 14 ToDo Items

15 Having
abolished in
his flesh the
enmity, the law of commandments in
ordinances; for to make in
himself of
twain one new man, making
Verse 15 ToDo Items
I Know that the crucified flesh of Jesus has abolished all hatred between Jews and Gentiles in Christ.
I Know that the crucified flesh of Jesus has abolished the Jewish ceremonial law (not moral law) for those in Christ. [See
Romans 7:6]
I Know that in Christ, Jews and Gentiles are both made into the same new creation (the church) thereby making peace. [v14-15]
I Know that what we are now in Christ is in direct contrast to what we used to be when we were far from God. [v11-15]
Verse 15 ToDo Items

16 And that
he might
reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross, having
slain the
enmity thereby:
Verse 16 ToDo Items
I Know that Jesus has fully reconciled both Jews and Gentiles to each other and to God in His body (the church) by the cross. [v15-16]
I Know that Jesus has ended the hatred between Jews and Gentiles in His body (the church) by the cross.
Verse 16 ToDo Items

17 And came and
preached peace to you which were
afar off, and to them that were
Verse 17 ToDo Items
F Know that Jesus came and proclaimed peace to both Gentiles and Jews.
C Know that God is a peace maker and healer of division. [v14-17]
Verse 17 ToDo Items

18 For through
him we
both have
access by one Spirit
unto the Father.
Verse 18 ToDo Items
I Know that in Christ, both Jews and Gentiles have acceptance and relationship with the Father by the same Holy Spirit.
I Know that in Christ, the Holy Spirit gives us access to the Father at any time we wish. [See
Romans 5:2;
Ephesians 3:12]
I Know that the availability of the entire Holy Trinity is ours from the moment we are born again.
Verse 18 ToDo Items

19 Now therefore
ye are no more
strangers and
foreigners, but
fellowcitizens with the
saints, and of the
household of God;
Verse 19 ToDo Items
I Know that in Christ, Gentiles are no longer strangers to the covenants of promise.
I Know that in Christ, Gentiles are no longer foreigners alienated from the commonwealth of Israel.
I Know that in Christ, both Jews and Gentiles are fellow citizens with the saints and of the household (family) of God. [See
Philippians 3:20]
I Know that as saints, we belong to God who has claimed us as His own.
F Know that Jewish and Gentile believers now stand on an equal footing as new creations in God’s family.
Verse 19 ToDo Items

20 And are built upon the
foundation of the
apostles and
prophets, Jesus Christ
himself being the chief corner ;
Verse 20 ToDo Items
I Know that we (and our faith) are built upon the firm foundation laid by the apostles and prophets because Jesus Christ Himself is the chief corner stone. [See
Isaiah 28:16;
Ephesians 3:3-5;
1 Peter 2:7-9]
Verse 20 ToDo Items

21 In
whom all the
building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord:
Verse 21 ToDo Items
I Know that we were uniquely crafted in Christ to fit precisely into the growing building which is the Lord’s holy temple (the church).
F Know that the temple of God (the church) has many parts (the saints) but they all fit together precisely in Christ. [See
Ephesians 1:10]
Verse 21 ToDo Items

22 In
whom ye also are
builded together for an
habitation of God through the Spirit.
Verse 22 ToDo Items
I Know that Jews and Gentiles are being built together in Christ for the habitation of God through the Holy Spirit.
[v19-22] [See
1 Peter 2:5;
1 Corinthians 3:16]
I Know that God’s Holy Spirit dwells within us.
F Know that God is building a holy temple in which to dwell through the Holy Spirit using the saints as the individual building blocks. [v19-22]
Verse 22 ToDo Items